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FAIRagro Workshop on Data Quality for Data Analytics in Agrosystem Science

6. / 7. December 2023 at University of Bonn

In the domain of agricultural systems, the fusion of mobile sensing, machine learning, and plant phenotyping unlocks far-reaching opportunities for sustainable crop production. With the aim of exploiting these potentials in the best possible way, a quality-assured research data management (RDM) for generating, publishing, and accessing research data is currently being developed in the initiative of FAIRagro.

To make such a data infrastructure usable across different disciplines, it is crucial to identify data aggregation, processing, and quality levels that are optimal for multi-modal data analytics. The workshop aims to exploit synergies and bring together knowledge from different expert domains in order to identify commonalities and establish shared guidelines. Notably, such guidelines can help contributors resolve ambiguities with respect to data standards required for sharing their data.

Within two half days, from December 6-7, 2023, at the University of Bonn, the workshop will provide its participants the opportunity to give short presentations of recent and on-going research. Of interest in these presentations is a focus on

Topics of particular relevance include but are not limited to

in the context of agrosystem science.


Presentations will be selected based on abstract submissions which should not exceed 500 words. Panel discussions and/or round tables will facilitate exchange to identify commonalities in the processing and quality assurance of data across the varying domains. To allow the quality of data to be traceable and transparent, the discussions will further serve to establish requirements for the documentation of data quality. There will also be space for researchers to engage partners interested in collaborative research. Please note that a presentation is welcome but not mandatory to participate in the workshop.


Please register for the workshop until the 29th of November using our web form. The registration is free of charge.



Wednesday, Dec 6th

14:00 - 14:15 registration
14:15 - 14:25 welcome and aim of workshop (Jan-Henrik Haunert)
14:25 - 15:25 abstract presentations | session 1
Jannes Uhlott, Florian Beyer and Markus Möller:
Data Fitness for Use in Practice: Determination and variation of data quality in the derivation of biodiversity indicators from satellite-based crop type classifications

Florian Beyer, Jannes Uhlott and Markus Möller:
Data quality along the data life cycle of an earth observation based in-season crop type classification

Lucia Vedder:
Assessing the quality of DNA sequencing data

15:25 - 15:40 coffee break
15:40 - 15:50 impulse talk: Potential of Automation in Data Quality Assessment (Shiyaza Risvi)
15:50 - 17:00 break-out session: Important Metrics of Data Quality for Data Processing
17:00 - 17:45 invited talk by Prof. Dr. Thomas Döring
17:45 - 18:00 closing day 1 (Jan-Henrik Haunert)
19:00 joint dinner at Gesindehaus Bonn (Clemens-August-Straße 59, 53115 Bonn)

Thursday, Dec 7th

09:30 - 10:10 abstract presentations | session 2
Susanne Lachmuth, Carsten Hoffmann, Thomas Kühnert, Stephan Lesch, Sebastian Rick, Viet Hoang Nguyen, Xenia Specka, and Nikolai Svoboda:
DQ-Kit - a tool fostering data quality to support both data authors and reusers of the BonaRes Repository

Stefan Kühnel, Benno Kleinhenz, Bettina Klocke, Markus Möller, Manfred Röhrig, Ulrike Stahl, Matthias Senft, Jörn Strassemeyer and Til Feike:
Streamlining pest and disease data to advance integrated pest management - A FAIRagro use case

10:10 - 10:20 impulse talk: Visualizing Data Quality (Sven Gedicke)
10:20 - 11:30 break-out session: User Expectations for an Interactive Quality Assessment Tool
11:30 - 11:45 coffee break
11:45 - 12:25 abstract presentations | session 3
Iris Vogeler:
Nitrogen Cycling in Agriculture: Approaches for Dealing with Incomplete Data, Interpolation, Water Flux Estimation and Variability

Johannes Timaeus and Thomas Döring:
Metadata for agroecological research and intercropping development: a systematic mapping approach and its challenges

12:25 - 12:45 official workshop closing (Jan-Henrik Haunert)
12:45 time for further exchange



The workshop will take place at University of Bonn. The address is Geoinformation Group, University of Bonn, Meckenheimer Allee 172, 53115 Bonn, Germany. Online participation is not possible.


Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts of at most 500 words need to be submitted via the abstract field via the submission system EasyChair. The submission deadline is the 6th of November.


Abstract Selection Comittee

The abstracts for presentations will be selected by the following comittee.


Contact for Further Information

Jan-Henrik Haunert, University of Bonn
