
Sven Gedicke. Beyond Zooming: Models and Algorithms for Mobile Maps with Extended Interaction Techniques.. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 2024. Dissertation.
abstract doi bibtex


Sven Gedicke, Shiyaza Risvi, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Report on the FAIRagro Workshop on Data Quality for Data Analytics in Agrosystem Science (DQ4DA). Technical Report, University of Bonn, 2024.
doi bibtex



Sven Gedicke, Martin Tomko, Stephan Winter, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Selecting Landmarks for Wayfinding Assistance Based on Advance Visibility. In Proc. 31st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL'23), pages 1-10. 2023.
doi bibtex


Sven Gedicke, Lukas Arzoumanidis, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Automating the External Placement of Symbols for Point Features in Situation Maps for Emergency Response. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 50(4):385-402, 2023.
doi bibtex


Sven Gedicke, Lukas Arzoumanidis, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Ein Algorithmus zur automatischen Platzierung taktischer Zeichen in der digitalen Lageskizze. Zeitschrift für Forschung und Technik im Brandschutz vfdb, 72(2):59-65, 2023.


Sven Gedicke, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. An Empirical Study on Interfaces for Presenting Large Sets of Point Features in Mobile Maps. The Cartographic Journal, 60(1):25-42, 2023.
doi bibtex



Sven Gedicke, Adalat Jabrayilov, Benjamin Niedermann, Petra Mutzel, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Point feature label placement for multi-page maps on small-screen devices. In Abstracts of 1st Workshop on Computational Cartography 2022. 2022.


Peter Rottmann, Makus Wallinger, Annika Bonerath, Sven Gedicke, Martin Nöllenburg, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. MosaicSets: Embedding Set Systems into Grid Graphs. In Abstracts of 1st Workshop on Computational Cartography 2022. 2022.


Peter Rottmann, Makus Wallinger, Annika Bonerath, Sven Gedicke, Martin Nöllenburg, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Mosaicsets: embedding set systems into grid graphs. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 29(1):875-885, 2022.
abstract doi bibtex


Annika Bonerath, Lukas Temerowski, Sven Gedicke, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Exploring Spatio-Temporal Event Data on a Smart Watch. Abstracts of the ICA, 5:96, sep 2022.
doi bibtex



Sven Gedicke, Johannes Oehrlein, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Aggregating land-use polygons considering line features as separating map elements. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 48(2):124-139, 2021.
abstract doi bibtex


Sven Gedicke, Annika Bonerath, Benjamin Niedermann, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Zoomless Maps: External Labeling Methods for the Interactive Exploration of Dense Point Sets at a Fixed Map Scale. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 27(2):1247-1256, 2021. https://youtu.be/IuMhk8jp54c
abstract doi bibtex


S. Gedicke, A. Jabrayilov, B. Niedermann, P. Mutzel, and J.-H. Haunert. Point feature label placement for multi-page maps on small-screen devices. Computers & Graphics, 100:66-80, 2021.
abstract doi bibtex



S. Gedicke, B. Niedermann, and J.-H. Haunert. Multi-page Labeling of Small-screen Maps with a Graph-coloring Approach. In LBS 2019: 15th International Conference on Location Based Services, November 11-13, 2019, Vienna, AT. 2019.
abstract bibtex