
Axel Forsch, Ruben Kemna, Elmar Langetepe, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Polyline morphing for animated schematic maps. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 8, 2024.
abstract doi bibtex


Axel Forsch, Stefan Funke, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Sabine Storandt. Efficient mining of volunteered trajectory datasets. In Dirk Burghardt, Elena Demidova, and Daniel A. Keim, editors. Volunteered Geographic Information: Interpretation, Visualization and Social Context, pages 43-77. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
abstract doi bibtex


Dorian Baltzer, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Axel Forsch. Visualizing the influence of new public transport infrastructure on travel times. KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 74:107-119, 2024.
abstract doi bibtex



Axel Forsch, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Metrochrones: schematic isochrones for schematic metro maps. The Cartographic Journal, 60:383-401, 2023.
doi bibtex


Lukas Arzoumanidis, Axel Forsch, Jan-Henrik, and Youness Dehbi. Catchment cell visualization for multi-modal public transportation networks. In Proc. 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Sustainable Mobility. 2023.
doi bibtex


Axel Forsch, Johannes Oehrlein, Benjamin Niedermann, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Inferring routing preferences from user-generated trajectories using a compression criterion. Journal of Spatial Information Science, 26(5):99-124, 2023.
abstract doi bibtex



Victor Korir, Axel Forsch, Youness Dehbi, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Visualizing the modal split in public transportation networks. Abstracts of the ICA, 5:89, sep 2022.
doi bibtex


Anna Brauer, Ville Mäkinen, Axel Forsch, Juha Oksanen, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. My home is my secret: concealing sensitive locations by context-aware trajectory truncation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 36(12):2496-2524, 2022.
abstract doi bibtex


Axel Forsch, Friederike Amann, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Visualizing the off-screen evolution of trajectories. KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information, 72(3):201-212, May 2022.
abstract doi bibtex


Axel Forsch, Ruben Kemna, Elmar Langetepe, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Morphing of schematized polygons for animated travel-time maps. In 3rd Schematic Mapping Workshop. 2022. Poster abstract. Available at: https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/schematicmapping/papers/smw-fklh.pdf
abstract bibtex



Timon Behr, Thomas C. van Dijk, Axel Forsch, Jan-Henrik Haunert, and Sabine Storandt. Map matching for semi-restricted trajectories. In Krzysztof Janowicz, and Judith A. Verstegen, editors, volume 208 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Proc. 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience '21) - Part II, pages 12:1-12:16. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2021.
abstract doi bibtex


Axel Forsch, Youness Dehbi, Benjamin Niedermann, Johannes Oehrlein, Peter Rottmann, and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Multimodal travel-time maps with formally correct and schematic isochrones. Transactions in GIS, 25(6):3233-3256, 2021.
abstract doi bibtex